Overview of A Variable Flow Stress (Oxley) Machining Theory
发布时间:2013-10-25 09:12:42    作者:    点击:[]


Overview of A Variable Flow Stress (Oxley) Machining Theory


1、  题目:Overview of A Variable Flow Stress (Oxley) Machining Theory

       报告人: Prof. Philip Mathew

       时间:20131024日下午1400 —1600


2、  报告人简介:

Prof. Philip Mathew began his academic career over 30 years ago when he was appointed as a lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of New South Wales. His main research area has been in the area of machining of metals with the development of a predictive theory of machining. He was mentored by the late Professor PLB Oxley. He has been instrumental in the further development of the variable flow stress theory for oblique machining, milling, reaming and high speed machining. The results of these developments have been published in a number of conference and journal papers. He also has an interest in non-traditional machining with laser based machining and abrasive jet machining and is working with Professor Jun Wang. He has an interest in precision for manufacturing which deals with measurements for quality production. He has taught courses associated with Manufacturing Technology, Product Design for Manufacture and Experimental Engineering. Administratively he has held many positions from being Manufacturing Group Leader and the Executive Assistant to the Head of School with his last administrative position being the Head of School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at UNSW. He is currently a Visiting Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Shandong University teaching courses in Manufacturing Design, Manufacturing Processes and Mechanical Graphics.

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