Through Silicon Via (TSV) Process Technology with 3D-IC Applications
发布时间:2013-10-25 09:08:27    作者:    点击:[]


Through Silicon Via (TSV) Process Technology with 3D-IC Applications


1     题目:Through Silicon Via (TSV) Process Technology with 3D-IC Applications

报告人:Hong Young

时间:20131011 下午1500—1630


2     报告人简介:

Hong Young教授,台湾国立大学杰出教授,“EV Transport Pilot Plan for Green Campus”项目的主要研究者。自1987年致力于机械工程研究工作。Hong Young教授专业领域涵盖应用硅穿孔技术的3D-IC精密机械制造,数控机床工具设计及生产和自动化。

上一条:Optimization Approach to robust vibration control;Heath monitoring of railway structures with guided waves 下一条:高速切削领域发展特色及优势


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